M.A. Martina Krtičková


Martina Krtičková is an architect who specializes in interior design and the creation of aesthetically and functionally perfect spaces in particular.

Her biggest inspiration is people. Her work is not limited to the visual perception of space, but also focuses on how people feel in a given space. She likes to be inspired by their feelings and thoughts. By tuning into the client’s wave, she is able to understand them as best as possible. This understanding of the clients and their needs is a key factor in creating a design that is not only visually striking, but also fully functional.

Most important of all is Martina’s joy. The joy of creating, the joy of working with clients and the joy of the final result. She doesn’t have a favourite project, according to her there is no project that is unpopular. Each one brings new challenges and opportunities.


Contact information
info@symaliving.cz +420 241 404 574
Social Media
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Company information
SYMA Production s.r.o.
IČ: 26735130
DIČ: CZ26735130
Modřická 910/71, 664 48 Moravany
Branch Praha
Za Stodolou 94, 251 01
Modletice u Prahy
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Branch Brno
Modřická 910/71, 664 48
Moravany u Brna
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